Days 14-16 - Been a tough few days, we were away the weekend so couldnt report back on this blog however, Im here to catch up now. Food wise there hasnt been a problem, however I dont think Ive been eating enough roughage to go with the diet. Rubin recommends a drink twice a day of green superfood mix which we chose to omit as it cost around £20 for a jar. You can get it in the UK and I would recommend taking it if you have any sort of gastric problem. Gastritis which I have like IBS is followed with bouts of diarrhoea and then constipation, well, no more diarrhoea put it that way, but realise I needed the fibre. Hubby hasnt had the same problems but then he doesnt have Gastritis. Drinking lots of water is absolutely necessary too. I done some research and found out that you must double your body weight in pounds so if you weigh 12st or 168lbs then you need to drink 3.4litres approximately.
Food wise now we can have yam, and corn and sweet potatoes its been a little easier and I have had a sweet potato jacket with cheddar cheese as now we can have raw cows milk hard cheese. Its very hard in the UK to get raw cheese so we've been using ordinary. Its worth noting too that although Jordan says use Organic meat for very good reasons, it has just been too expensive for us with hubby being made redundant. So the diet has worked even with non-organic meat, we have tried to buy organic veg from the farm shop or supermarkets though when we can.
Have discovered Coconut Flour which is not a grain so is very suitable for IBS or other wheat intoleraant disorders and is much healthier and easier to digest. Have made coconut bread a couple of times now and going to make some coconut muffins. AS A NOTE: Rubin also says to cook with either butter or coconut oil, we found coconut oil to be expensive so cooked with butter until I discovered that our local Sainsburys in their foreign food section had a jar of coconut oil for £2.50.!!! Thats the cheapest Ive found it anywhere and is amazingly cheap, should have bought a whole dozen at once, maybe payday. Normal prices range from £6.00 (Sainsburys) to £20+ for the same size jars almost. I say £6 at Sainsburys because they do their own brand too.
Breakfast yesterday was a cherry & coconut smoothie, Frozen cherries blended with coconut milk and put through a sieve. Lunch was a sweet potato jacket with cheese and salad and dinner was a roast joint of lamb with roast sweet potatoes and parsnip with cauliflower & brocolli covered in a homemade cheese sauce in which I used corn flour to thicken (not sure if thats allowed as Jordan doesnt mention flour at all in the actual list of foods allowed just corn.) Anyway it was a nice treat. We can now have goats milk, although i'm finding I prefer my drinks either without milk now or with a little oat or almond milk instead.