Sweets from Heaven?

Sweets from Heaven?
Sugar is our worst nightmare!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

PHASE 3 Day 30 The Makers Diet

Day 30 - Busy day today, now finally making my sourdough bread and trying out the sprouted tortillas.  Spent most of the day experimenting.  Tried first pulsing the soaked wheat grain into a dough and made the tortillas but they didnt seem to come out right so I then dried the grain and milled it in my coffee grinder and made the tortillas that way.  This seemed to be better, however, I was still having problems with my tortillas going hard, I believe I have since learned that I cooked them too long on too high a heat and it is imperative to get a medium heat and to not cook them for too long.  I was looking for bubbles to form but this didnt always happen and consequently they were overcooked.  Finally finished by sourdough at 11pm so will taste that in the morning.  Breakfast was sausage, egg and mushrooms, lunch was breakfast (a brunch) and dinner was Lemon Chicken with egg fried brown rice, delicious.  Didnt think Ill be able to have chinese again, but was lovely.  Will put recipe for lemon chicken on this site.

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