Sweets from Heaven?

Sweets from Heaven?
Sugar is our worst nightmare!

Sunday, 13 April 2014

PHASE 3 Days 32 to 35 The Makers Diet

Days 32-35 - Well, what can I say. Sorry I haven't posted for a few days but I've been busy.  Not only is it the school holidays and my kids 18th birthdays (yes, twins), but I've been busy in the kitchen.  I haven't yet made my next sourdough loaf but gonna give that a try this week if I get a chance.  The sprouted flour is not as easy to cook with as I had hoped but made quite a successful naan bread yesterday.  The dough can come out much heavier because it doesn't have as much gluten because of the sprouting process.  However, you can make successful bread but I think its going to take practice but I'm not giving up.  Made some lovely Chocolate Squares which were a real treat and tasted much better than I thought. They contained cashews and almonds that had been soaked and dried, dates, bit of honey, coconut oil oh! And cocoa powder of course!. All blended together to make fudge brownies and they were delicious.
Well weve completed week 3 and now have 5 days to go as we finish on good Friday.  Hubby's weight loss has been quite dramatic so far, mine is slower to come off but going to keep an eye on it this week to make sure it is actually still dropping.
Health wise, In my earlier posts I said I was sleeping better, I could now lay on both sides and the diarrhoea and constipation had ceased. However, I was still getting up in the night about 3 times for the toilet and was having nausea still. But, I can honestly say that this week, I have had no nausea and the only time I've got up for the toilet is at 7am everyday! Sleeping right through. So I think I'm healed and if my gastritis is not completely healed it won't be long before it is. Thank you Jordan, and thank you God.

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