Sweets from Heaven?

Sweets from Heaven?
Sugar is our worst nightmare!

Monday, 31 March 2014

PHASE 2 Days 19 to 21 of The Makers Diet

Days 19 - 21. The weekend seems to have settled my stomach down and its feeling okay again.Dinner on the Friday was a sweet potato jacket with chilli con carne and for dinner on Saturday I found a load of bargain meat in Asda so we had a lovely roast joint of beef with a brandy and peppercorn crust, a jacket sweet potato with broccoli and carrots and roast parsnips.  Breakfast that day was scrambled eggs and mushrooms.  Dinner on Sunday was easy as it was a BBQ for the whole family and friends as it was Mothers Day with a salad and a lovely green goddess dressing made from avocado, sour cream, EV olive oil and lemon juice.  I may have put slightly too much lemon for my taste.

Saturday evening was a trip to the cinema so I made a batch of popcorn and drizzled it with cold melted butter and herbamare. Was a nice treat. Herbamare can be bought from most health shops and is relatively inexpensive.  My smoothie/blender/grinder arrived Saturday morning so am looking forward to phase 3 when I can begin grinding my own flour.

Friday, 28 March 2014

PHASE 2 Day 18 of 40 The Makers Diet

Day 18 - Breakfast today was the usual but only one fried egg, tomato and mushrooms.  Lunch was a drive home from work again to have a steak with a sweet potato jacket with cheese.  Dinner was fried chicken escalopes fried in  corn meal.  Am hoping that it was allowed.  Served with roasted peppers, leeks, parsnips and onions.

However, in the evening I did decide to have a hot chocolate as a treat so using bourneville which is 100% cocoa nothing else and almond milk which is not really allowed.  This however, I believe may be the reason why I awoke early in the morning feeling nauseas again and also feeling nauseas today (day 19).  So going to have to give almond milk anyway a no go.  Might try the goats milk to see if that has the same affect once this has died down.  Thought that I was healed but obviously not yet and its still going to take time and probably quite a while of being on this diet even when the 40 days are over.  

But, I am still managing to sleep through most of the night and lying flat etc so things are still soooooo! much better.  PS also tried the muffin I made yesterday and they are delicious but must keep them as occasional treats.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

PHASE 2 Day 17 - The Makers Diet

Day 17 - Breakfast was fruit and a chunk of cheese and snacking on some walnuts as was concerned about the eggs blocking me up again so going careful.  Lunch was a steak salad and for dinner we had pan fried paprika salmon with 2 corn on the cobs and asparagus fried in butter.  Drinking a lot more water today to make sure everything flows!!!  The weight loss has slowed down but I believe that might be because of the protein which helps muscle build up. Just a theory, cant think of any other reason as to why it should be different this week.

Sleep was fine again, the nausea has dropped a bit again, think it was other reasons (ie blocked) which we wont go into that was making me feel sick.  That said its difficult to know how much my stomach lining has healed, but intend to keep going to day 40 and I think beyond. 

Yes beyond! Hubby and I have realised that this just cant be for 40 days otherwise we will probably have wasted our time if we dont learn from this experience.  Have done lots of research since starting this diet (way of living) and am convinced that organic or as natural as possible in our case is the only way to go.  Our Western diet consumes far too much bread, cereals and grains.  Although we love these were hoping we dont get addicted to them again to intend to keep them very small portions when we can have them.

Tried the honey muffins recipe today, they came out small, more like cupcakes so dont think they will fill me up as a breakfast but will have maybe one as a treat during the day tomorrow.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

PHASE 2 Days 14 to 16 of The Makers Diet

Days 14-16 - Been a tough few days, we were away the weekend so couldnt report back on this blog however, Im here to catch up now.  Food wise there hasnt been a problem, however I dont think Ive been eating enough roughage to go with the diet.  Rubin recommends a drink twice a day of green superfood mix which we chose to omit as it cost around £20 for a jar.  You can get it in the UK and I would recommend taking it if you have any sort of gastric problem.  Gastritis which I have like IBS is followed with bouts of diarrhoea and then constipation, well, no more diarrhoea put it that way, but realise I needed the fibre.  Hubby hasnt had the same problems but then he doesnt have Gastritis.  Drinking lots of water is absolutely necessary too.  I done some research and found out that you must double your body weight in pounds so if you weigh 12st or 168lbs then you need to drink 3.4litres approximately.

Food wise now we can have yam, and corn and sweet potatoes its been a little easier and I have had a sweet potato jacket with cheddar cheese as now we can have raw cows milk hard cheese.  Its very hard in the UK to get raw cheese so we've been using ordinary.  Its worth noting too that although Jordan says use Organic meat for very good reasons, it has just been too expensive for us with hubby being made redundant.  So the diet has worked even with non-organic meat, we have tried to buy organic veg from the farm shop or supermarkets though when we can.

Have discovered Coconut Flour which is not a grain so is very suitable for IBS or other wheat intoleraant disorders and is much healthier and easier to digest.  Have made coconut bread a couple of times now and going to make some coconut muffins.  AS A NOTE:  Rubin also says to cook with either butter or coconut oil, we found coconut oil to be expensive so cooked with butter until I discovered that our local Sainsburys in their foreign food section had a jar of coconut oil for £2.50.!!!  Thats the cheapest Ive found it anywhere and is amazingly cheap, should have bought a whole dozen at once, maybe payday.  Normal prices range from £6.00 (Sainsburys) to £20+ for the same size jars almost.  I say £6 at Sainsburys because they do their own brand too.

Breakfast yesterday was a cherry & coconut smoothie,  Frozen cherries blended with coconut milk and put through a sieve.  Lunch was a sweet potato jacket with cheese and salad and dinner was a roast joint of lamb with roast sweet potatoes and parsnip with cauliflower & brocolli covered in a homemade cheese sauce in which I used corn flour to thicken (not sure if thats allowed as Jordan doesnt mention flour at all in the actual list of foods allowed just corn.)  Anyway it was a nice treat.  We can now have goats milk, although i'm finding I prefer my drinks either without milk now or with a little oat or almond milk instead.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

PHASE 2 Day 13 Of The Makers Diet

Day 13 - Having to move onto Phase 2, 2 days earlier than should be because of visiting friends.  We will be going home tonight so I can get a better nights sleep.  Phase 2 means that we can now eat more of a variety of fruit also more beans and legumes and corn, sweet potato and yams are now possible.

Breakfast was eggs again as it was easier being away and for lunch we had a chicken soup followed by a small salad with Camembert goats cheese found in Saintsbury's.  Found that Saintsbury's had a great selection of cheeses for the diet than other supermarkets. Dinner was roast chicken, roast veg n roast sweet potatoes. We also had an apple which seemed to be quite acidic on my stomach so may be a bit careful and watch for reactions in my stomach.  Busy day tomorrow so getting ahead of my blogging.

Also found a great recipe for coconut bread made from coconut 1/2 cup flour, 6 eggs and 1/4 cup butter, 2 tbsps honey. Tasted delicious bit like coconut cake. 

PHASE 1 Day 12 of The Makers Diet

Day 12 - Working day today and was not really prepared properly.  Struggling with toilet issues so stomach was upset. Going away in the evening to stay with friends which turned out to be a bit rough at night again but still not as bad. I think I made myself hungry by failing to eat protein at breakfast.  Had a steak salad at lunch so felt a bit better but grabbed a chicken from asda for me and hubby to eat before driving to Horsham.  However, found by late evening I had a serious headache and was hungry don't know why because all other days I haven't been hungry.  However think this may have seriously contributed to my stomach trouble in the night again, not as bad as before but was a bit discouraging as moving onto phase 2 tomorrow.  Will have to see what the days ahead bring.

PHASE 1 Day 11 of The Makers Diet

Day 11 - Eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes again for breakfast, made a mushroom soup for lunch and will keep the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch at work.  Dinner was a combination of a Jewish dish and Jamaican, odd I know. I spiced up the beef mince to make it more interesting and then wrapped it up in cabbage leaves followed by a homemade tomato sauce.

Having said I thought I was healed my stomach was a bit grumbly today.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

PHASE 1, Day 10 of The Makers Diet

Day 10 - Good day today although I'm finding hard to know what to cook without us getting bored. Trying to plan ahead ahead for next week when I have to work all week so managed to make a couple of soups but that's it.  Still, the diet changes next week so hopefully will be a bit Easier.  Great nights sleep last night the only pain I'm having now is from my hip in fact I think my gastritis is probably healed.  Its hard to say because I could, when we go back to eating normal find it becomes sensitive again but at the moment no bloating, gas, pain, or nausea and am able to sleep flat and in all positions.  Breakfast was the usual fried eggs, mushrooms, and toms, Lunch was a mushroom soup, Dinner was paprika Chicken with roasted vegetables.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

PHASE 1 Day 9 The Makers Diet

Day 9 - A good day, the cravings have really lessened now although the smell of chips from the chip shop, or watching my daughters hitting the biscuit tin still tempts me but not really because of craving anymore but Because I know what it tastes like and I'm getting a bit fed up with what to cook and eat. Still, were doing ok.  Today was a berry smoothie made with coconut milk for breakfast even had enough left over to make into ice lollies.  Lunch was a couple of lamb kebabs leftover from yesterday's dinner, and dinner was roast chicken and spicy carrot chips and peas. The carcass of which will now be used over again this week to keep bone broth on the go as I'm told its extremely good for you. Last night again was a good sleep, the only thing waking me now is the pain from my hip but its a lot easier to cope with on its own.  Almost afraid to go back to eating normally in case stomach flares up again.  Its still sensitive so I believe it still needs more time to heal properly. Our hunger levels have dropped dramatically which is great and we're learning to eat to live instead of the other way round.

PHASE 1 Day 8 The Makers Diet

Day 8 - Day 8 consisted of a goats cheese and mushroom omelette for breakfast lunch was skipped as it was a late breakfast again. That's ok though because Rubin does recommend partial fasting. Dinner was bbq'd lamb kebabs and a salad. To our surprise hubby has lost 5lb in weight and I've lost 7lb.  Very surprised and glad although it wasn't for weight loss that we did it.  On the healing side, another good nights sleep woke a couple of times but being able to lay flat and change sides is a huge relief for me.  

Monday, 17 March 2014

PHASE 1 Day 7 The Makers Diet

Day 7 - Busy Sunday as had much to plan and sort out, so skipped breakfast and didn't really miss it as not hungry but we had a BBQ around 1pm. Lots of bbq'd chicken and homemade beef burgers, shop ones had preservatives and all sorts of rubbish in so had to go natural.  Lots of salad. Very tasty.  Had some leftover meat and salad for later.

Health wise hadn't drunk much water but still had a really good nights sleep for first time in a 3 years maybe more actually.  Managed to lay flatish all night, didn't get up (although I was tired and it was late).  Felt nauseas in the morning and had to get up so more healing needed but its possible that my body is healing.  Haven't taken my PPI medication either for couple of days as I didn't think it was really doing anything.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

PHASE 1 Day 6 The Makers Diet

Day 6 - Today seemed a whole lot easier, my stomach wasn't complaining of hunger and I didn't seem to crave anything today.  Don't know if that was just because I was busy as it was the weekend.  But a much better day anyhow.  Have definitely lost some weight but don't know how much as I didn't weigh myself at the beginning but there's a significant drop in the size of my belly anyway.

This morning we survived on scrambled eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes.  Lunch was skipped as we had a late breakfast.  Dinner was a beef casserole packed with vegetables and beef.  That was all today but wasn't hungry.  Nighttime I actually had slept lying flat. A bonus at any time and had no nausea, though I did have to get up in the night but not much.  We will see if this is going to stay, time will tell.  Stomach not healed though as nausea in the morning again.

Friday, 14 March 2014

PHASE 1 - DAY 5 of 40 Phase 1 - Makers Diet

Day 5 - Last night and today seemed to be the hardest day to date.  Last night unfortunately I didn't enjoy the curry I made, everything seemed rush today having had to work.   Having said that I seemed to have a better nights sleep the night before, everything seemed to be going backwards again last night, with little sleep and being unable to turn on my side or lay flat because of nausea.  Not sure if that was because I was hungry as I didn't eat my dinner or not.  Anyway, I guess it will take time for my stomach to heal and the general idea of this first 14 days is rid the body of toxins and addictions.  Fish was breakfast this morning (yuk!) and half a grapefruit covered in local honey and grilled.  Popped to the shops for lunch and had a 3 chicken thighs with a salad.  Tonights menu is a beef stir fry.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

PHASE 1 - Day 4

Day 4 - Seemed to have much better sleep last night, although it wasn't perfect still had to get up a few times but I was able to turn on my side.  Normally, when I do this within seconds I would feel very sick and nauseas.  Bearing in mind that I have been sleeping sitting up, last night I was more flat and therefore had a bit more sleep.  So a definite improvement on the months before.  Today we had fried eggs again! for breakfast with mushrooms and tomatoes (getting a bit fed up with them though), Chicken Tikka with salad for lunch and dinner will be a homemade chicken curry with coconut milk served on a bed of mashed cauliflower.
Still not starving and the hunger pangs are at bay but am beginning to crave my carbohydrates like potato and rice and the biscuit tin is looking very tempting.  Feeling down as well as hubby, think its because all of our comfort foods are taken out of the way, those things which make us feel better, cant wait for the addiction to be passed, last time we did this it took about 2 weeks before it passed.

PHASE 1 Days 1-3

Phase 1 requires you to limit all grains and carbs and sugars.  The intent is to rid your body of all toxins and rebalance the body.  This is quite a tricky stage and a lot of people do tend to feel ill during this first week due to their body detoxifying.  Many say its a lot like flu symptons.  However, I have been off of wheat for a while and been trying to lessen my sugar intake so we will see how we will feel through it all.
  • Day 1- Breakfast was an omelette with peppers and onions followed by Chicken Soup (Jewish recipe) for lunch.  Made a big batch of that for the next day.  Dinner was a Moussaka with minced lamb and layered aubergines in a tomato sauce.  I used yoghurt and eggs to set the top and some hard goats cheese which I found in Asda.  Thought it was going to be really hard but actually I haven't been starving.  God seems to be helping us through it because I'm pretty sure we couldn't do it otherwise.
  • Day 2 - Fried eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast followed the remains of the chicken soup for lunch.  In the evening we had a steak with my own spicy carrot chips.  The carrots were parboiled then rubbed in oil and seasoning and roasted, must admit I preferred them to normal chips.  Still seems to be fairly easy, no hunger pangs, so all is good.  No improvement in my health as of yet though.
  • Day 3 - We got up too late for breakfast this morning, as I hadn't been sleeping very well, I found that this morning I could lay in and fall asleep without feeling sick, I wonder?  Made a Chilli con carne without beans for lunch, which did upset my stomach slightly, think its the tomato sauce.  Dinner was our own homemade Chicken Kievs stuffed with garlic butter and roasted with more carrot and swede spicy chips this time.

Introduction to the Makers Diet

For those of you that don't know anything about this book.  It is well worth a look at a great investment.  We have been able to pick up copies from Amazon for less than a £1.  Jordan was diagnosed with one of the worst cases of Krohns Disease and was near death after many attempts to correct what was wrong with him.  He tried all sorts of diets and remedies but none brought him any closer to life.  Only by prayer did the answer come and it came in the form of "The Makers Diet" which is what is says, a biblical diet ordered by the creator himself.  Jordan is now super fit and healthy.  But I wont spoil it you need to get his book and discover for yourself.

I am going to outline day by day our progress and will include any recipes I might find or use along the way.  Some items are pretty difficult to get hold of in the UK and so I did substitute some things but not much.  He also describes a very thorough cleansing routine which we have chosen to avoid although we are taking multi vitamin supplements and I am taking Acidophilus and Aerobic Oxygen to cleanse my digestive system.  At the time of creating this blog we are already on Day 4 but will still give a brief description of the days so far.